Corrie Keener

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Are you wrong, bad, broken, lazy, worthless, dumb?

What if you aren’t wrong, bad, or broken. What if you are believing a lie?

Sometimes the problem is who assigned the definition of wrong, bad or broken.   It is commonly known that hurt people hurt. Did you know that hurt people also label others to help themselves feel better? Ask yourself this…just because someone else believes I am wrong, bad, broken, lazy worthless, or dumb does that mean I am?

Sometimes the problem is the definition we have assigned ourselves. Have you ever compared yourself to someone else to determine if you are OK? When we measure our lives according to another’s, and yet we have different starting points, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Look at it like this, if I start 2 miles ahead of you, does that mean you are slow. Does that mean you should label yourself as a bad athlete?

Maybe you are saying but you don't know me.  It is my truth.  Having negative characteristics about ourselves isn’t something we have to cling to. We can make small shifts in our behaviors to move away from being whatever the label says we are. Maybe you used to be a scrooge, but now you have shifted towards empathy, compassion, and generosity. Does the scrooge label still apply? Therapy can help you reevaluate the way you see yourself and help you peel the label off and walk in truth.

If you haven’t connected try it now. Let’s start!